

啟靈物質、精神醫學與跨文化身體中的自我意識(一) Psychedelics, Psychiatry, and Self-Consciousness in Different Cultural Bodies I

教授:嚴如玉 副教授 和洪裕宏 榮譽教授 / 陽明交通大學心智哲學研究所


Psychedelic therapy is a new form of therapy used in psychiatry. It involves using psychedelics, a class of drugs that can induce changes in one’s consciousness, including one’s experience of oneself, time, space, and environment. Using them within therapy has shown promising results. Still, more research is needed to address some ethical concerns about how psychedelics can change one’s personality, attitude toward death, and other core beliefs. One important challenge is that the transformative changes caused by psychedelics are unpredictable to some degree. Thus, it is important to investigate ways of managing the transformative power of psychedelics.

This course is the first part of a year-long course. In the first part of a year-long course, we will learn and discuss the relevant philosophical, anthropological, and clinical literature on psychedelics, psychedelic therapy in psychiatry, and forms of bodily self-consciousness. There will be more fieldwork components in the second part of a year-long course.


  1. Nicolas Langlitz (2012). Neuropsychedelia The Revival of Hallucinogen Research since the Decade of the Brain. University of California Press. (Ebook: https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1525/j.ctt24hsjc)
  2. Damasio, A. (2021). Feeling & Knowing: Making Minds Conscious. Pantheon.
  3. Hauskeller, C., & Sjöstedt-Hughes, P. (Eds.). (2023). Philosophy and Psychedelics: Frameworks for Exceptional Experience (Reprint edition). Bloomsbury Academic.
  4. Chan, R. (2023). Transformative Experience. In E. N. Zalta & U. Nodelman (Eds.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2023). Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University. https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/sum2023/entriesransformative-experience/
  5. Wen-yuan Lin and John Law. (2022). Thinking differently with Chinese medicine: ‘Explanations’ and case studies for a postcolonial STS https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9315166/
  6. Alex Gearin (2023). On the ambiguity of psychedelic awe in China. Anthropology Today.
  7. Langlitz, N., Dyck, E., Scheidegger, M., & Repantis, D. (2021). Moral Psychopharmacology Needs Moral Inquiry: The Case of Psychedelics. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2021.680064
  8. Psychedelic Humanities: https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/38323/psychedelic-humanities#articles

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*The others column of course details includes outside campus visit and seminar.



●   Introduction: Neuropsychopharmacology as Spiritual Technology

●   1 Psychedelic Revival

●   2 Swiss Psilocybin and US Dollars

●   3 The Varieties of Psychedelic Lab Experience

閱讀:Nicolas Langlitz (2012). Neuropsychedelia The Revival of Hallucinogen Research since the Decade of the Brain. University of California Press.

第2週(2/29) Guest Speakers on Psychedelics Research

Talk title: Psychedelic Psychiatry and Patient Autonomy

Speaker: Alex Gearin (Assistant Professor, Medical Ethics and Humanities Unit Research Fellow, Centre for Medical Ethics and Law, The University of Hong Kong)


●   4 Enacting Experimental Psychoses

●   5 Between Animality and Divinity

●   6 Mystic Materialism

●   Conclusion: Fieldwork in Perennial Philosophy

閱讀:Nicolas Langlitz (2012). Neuropsychedelia The Revival of Hallucinogen Research since the Decade of the Brain. University of California Press.


●   1. On Being

●   2. About Minds and the New Art of Representation

閱讀:Damasio, A. (2021). Feeling & Knowing: Making Minds Conscious. Pantheon.


●   3. On Feelings

●   4. On Consciousness and Knowing

●   5. In All Fairness: An Epilogue

閱讀:Damasio, A. (2021). Feeling & Knowing: Making Minds Conscious. Pantheon.

第6週(3/28) 8:00 – 10:00 am  注意上課時間更動!

Guest Speakers on Psychedelics Research

Meet the Author Event: Neuropsychedelia by Nicolas Langlitz from the New School for Social Research

Speaker: Nicolas Langlitz (Professor of Anthropology, The New School for Social Research)

Time: Thursday, March 28 · 8:00 – 10:00am (Time zone: Asia/Taipei)

Google Meet joining info: https://meet.google.com/nnf-yfsg-grw

第7週(4/4)   放假


●   1. Transpersonal Gratitude and Psychedelic Altered States of Consciousness, Taline Artinian (University of Exeter, UK)

●   2. What is Real(ity)?, John H. Buchanan (Centre for Process Studies, USA)

閱讀:Hauskeller, C., & Sjöstedt-Hughes, P. (Eds.). (2023). Philosophy and Psychedelics: Frameworks for Exceptional Experience (Reprint edition). Bloomsbury Academic.


●   3. A Cultural History of Psychedelics in the US, Kyle Buller, Joe Moore, and Lenny Gibson (Dreamshadow Group, USA)

●  4. Power and the Sublime in Aldous Huxley’s Drug Aesthetics, Robert Dickins (Psychedelic Press, UK)

閱讀:Hauskeller, C., & Sjöstedt-Hughes, P. (Eds.). (2023). Philosophy and Psychedelics: Frameworks for Exceptional Experience (Reprint edition). Bloomsbury Academic.


●   5. Decolonizing the Philosophy of Psychedelics, Osiris Sinuhé González Romero (University of Saskatchewan, Canada)

●   6. Making Your Soul Visible, Michael Halewood (University of Essex, UK)

閱讀:Hauskeller, C., & Sjöstedt-Hughes, P. (Eds.). (2023). Philosophy and Psychedelics: Frameworks for Exceptional Experience (Reprint edition). Bloomsbury Academic.


●   7. Individualization and Alienation: Paradoxes in Psychedelic Psychotherapy, Christine Hauskeller (University of Exeter, UK)

●  8. Walter Benjamin and Herbert Marcuse: Psychedelics and Revolution, Fernando Huesca Ramon (Meritorius Autonomous University of Puebla, Mexico)

閱讀:Hauskeller, C., & Sjöstedt-Hughes, P. (Eds.). (2023). Philosophy and Psychedelics: Frameworks for Exceptional Experience (Reprint edition). Bloomsbury Academic.


●   9. Mary on Acid: Experiences of Unity and the Epistemic Gap, Jussi Jylkkä (Åbo Akademi University, Finland)

●   10. Are Psychedelic Drugs Distorting?, Ole Martin Moen (Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway)

閱讀:Hauskeller, C., & Sjöstedt-Hughes, P. (Eds.). (2023). Philosophy and Psychedelics: Frameworks for Exceptional Experience (Reprint edition). Bloomsbury Academic.


●   11. The Unconscious in Zen and Psychedelic Experience, Steve Odin (University of Hawai?i, USA)

●   12. Altered Consciousness after Descartes: Whitehead’s Philosophy of Organism as Psychedelic Realism, Matthew D. Segall (California Institute of Integral Studies, USA)

閱讀:Hauskeller, C., & Sjöstedt-Hughes, P. (Eds.). (2023). Philosophy and Psychedelics: Frameworks for Exceptional Experience (Reprint edition). Bloomsbury Academic.


●   13. The White Sun of Substance: Spinozism and the Psychedelic Amor Dei Intellectualis, Peter Sjöstedt-Hughes (University of Exeter, UK)

●   14. Journeying in the Realm of the Unconscious: Jung’s Liber Novus and Psychedelic Experience, Johanna Hilla Sopanen (University of Exeter, UK)

閱讀:Hauskeller, C., & Sjöstedt-Hughes, P. (Eds.). (2023). Philosophy and Psychedelics: Frameworks for Exceptional Experience (Reprint edition). Bloomsbury Academic.


●   15. Arguments for the Psychedelic Cure of Western Philosophy, Michel Weber (University of Saskatchewan, Canada)

1. Hauskeller, C., & Sjöstedt-Hughes, P. (Eds.). (2023). Philosophy and Psychedelics: Frameworks for Exceptional Experience (Reprint edition). Bloomsbury Academic.
2. Chan, R. (2023). Transformative Experience. In E. N. Zalta & U. Nodelman (Eds.), The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Summer 2023). Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University.

第16週(6/06) Guest Speakers on Psychedelics Research

Speaker: Dimitris Repantis (Consultant Psychiatrist, Charité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Department of Psychiatry and Neurosciences, Campus Charité Mitte, Charitépl)

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